Thursday, November 8, 2012

Just my opinion

All things considered, I shouldn't be writing here. My state of mind is overwhelmingly sad and probably need to put this in my private diary and not burden anyone else. I'm too lazy to load that blog though, knowing full well I will see the other pages that have been sorely neglected, adding more guilt to my sad heart.

It seems as though the Presidential Election put my state of mind over the edge. My parents instilled in their children a passionate commitment for patriotism and civic duty, knowing full well that our military is essential for our national security and protecting our way of life; believing also that we must give back to those less fortunate because we are so blessed to live in a free country.

In no way am I saying that anyone is "owed" a damn thing. My children must make their way in life just as others less/more fortunate must also find their path. Shame on those who feel entitled to live w/o working for what they have. This is the state of our nation, with a majority vote showing they are entitled to charity or feel overwhelmingly guilty of not putting in time to help those less fortunate. Gladly handing their personal responsibility over to the government. All this and to add insult to injury not taking the time to analyze what they are voting on; looking only for the big R or D beneath each name.

On a better note, I will again cook the Veteran's Dinner for our little community, doing what I can to show my "thanks" for the atrocities that I never had to see, understand or endure. Our enlisted personel (past and present)  have and are offering their lives for our security whether overseas or at home. Praise God for each and everyone of them who offered their life to serve their country. So in the end, I am blessed by them (including you) and will pull myself from this funk to move forward.

1 comment:

Someday said...

That should read...HELP cook the veterans day dinner, as there are others unnamed who give time to offer the vets dinner one day a year.